PSYCHÉscape is a portmanteau, reflecting the actualized synergy between ‘psyché’ and ‘escape.’
Psyché is defined as the totality of the human mind; conscious and unconscious.
Escape is defined as a form of momentary distraction from reality and routine. It’s a human necessity.
PSYCHÉscape exists as a refuge within the mediascape where one can simultaneously escape the confines of the mundane yet gain deeper insight into themselves and others. Here one is able to both lose oneself and find oneself.
Psychology is omnipresent. It shapes our world and how we perceive it. Indeed, society would cease to exist without it. Yet, it would cease to exist without society.
So why then do psychological findings, despite the immense scope of their applications, rarely extend beyond the realm of academic communities?
At present, Psychology finds itself operating the risk of becoming exclusive and in turn, stagnant. If Psychology is to survive the digital age, it appears a revolution is paramount. This manifests itself as a shift towards relevant psychology. In short – that which is transparent, accessible and inclusive to all.
Our mission here at PSYCHÉscape is to make psychology accessible to anyone.
At PSYCHÉscape we refrain from overcomplicated gibberish and embrace being human. After all, this is the one affinity that unites us all. We explore psychology-related matters, endeavouring to stimulate interest, inform insight and increase dialogue. We are inherently curious.
Ultimately, we promote meaning-making about the world around us through a medium that is both engaging and empowering. In doing so, we hope to nurture a more introspective, conscious and connected society.
Formed in mid-2022, we are a collective attempting to re-direct the future of psychology.
Our intention is not to be idiosyncratic founding fathers; we neither profess to be experts nor do we hope to be. We are not your shrink.
We want to reinstate a voice to those marginalised and neglected matters. In order for this to happen, our face cannot cloud our purpose. Therefore, we respectfully remain anonymous.
To be frank, it’s not about us.
It’s about you.